Tuesday 8 November 2011

Yarn Yarn Yarn

I just received my shipment of yarn from Red Heart.  A box big enough my son can comfortably fit in it!  49 balls in total and only 7 of them were for the blanket I am going to make.  I have to finish off my sweater first and the Hitchhiker for a Christmas present.

So, that left 42 balls left to use or sell. 42 balls?  Seriously? On top of the rest that is sitting in my cupboards waiting to be used!  WELL, I've already sold 21 balls. WOO HOO!!!

Pictures below and can also be found on my Ravelry page
2 left
5 Sold - 5 remaining for Snowflake Blanket
2 Sold - 2 remaining for Snowflake Blanket
8 balls left
4 balls left
4 balls left
Lovely and Soft!!!
2 balls left




Monday 17 October 2011

It's Getting Chilly

So!  I have finished the scarf for my son's Monkey :) and he wants a smaller one for the baby monkey.  I've finished off my fingerless gloves ! Just in time as it's now 12-13 degrees outside and I have to walked a lot to work and the school run.

I've finished off my Chenille Throw which is just the right size for keeping warm on the couch.  Have another throw started. It is cable so I'm trying real hard to persist and actually finish it.

What else? Hmmmm....According to Knit Meter.com I have knit 8865 yards this year!  And I'm sure there are projects I have forgotten to add to it. The little projects that I do and forget I have done.

A few more mitts to make and of course socks!   Must get everything finished to keep cosy for winter :)

What is everyone else up to? I know there's going to be a lot of baking soon hehe. I do a lot of baking when it gets this time of year.  My other half is getting deployed in a month so I'm going to miss out on my knitting group for 4 months :(  With no family close by a babysitter is hard to find. I think I have 1 girl I can call on but I don't want to bother her every week and I have no idea the cost. Ah well, might have to try and convince the ladies to come around to my place a couple times so we can have a visit.

Anyways, off to work some more cables!  Talk soon :)  Cast on and keep smiling.

Monday 10 October 2011

Finishing Projects


On the weekend we went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. It was alright but I must say I preferred Knit Nation.  Although this one was very large and there were loads of vendors most of it was big company and commercial products.  I'm a buyer who prefers the smaller companies and individuals.

Fibre Flurry is at the end of October and I really really want to go. Not sure 2 events in 1 month is in the budget but I'll check it out. 

In the mean time I have finished a Chenille blanket for the couch, I'm just about finished my fingerless gloves. Next up is to finish off my sons 2nd pair of socks.  He wanted some toe socks so he could were his flip-flops inside in the winter.

I did a trade of yarn with a lady and am very pleased!  lovely silk yarn and a drop spindle with fibre. Love spinning and I can see it easily turning into another addiction.  This keeps up and I'll be buying fibre and doing the rest myself!  I've been looking at sourcing undyed yarn, preferrably high twist, so I can continue dying to get practice in and possibly sell it. Of course it wouldn't be expensive because it just beginner skills but it would help get some money back to carry on practicing.

anyways, nothing to interesting as I don't have a lot of spare time in between work and family.  Trying to get my WIP's all caught up again before I cast on anything else. I always get too many projects on the go to keep a wide variety. Need to get a few more winter wear projects done to keep us all cosy. It's getting pretty chilly outside.

Alright, computer off and going to the needles :)

Sunday 25 September 2011

North American Yarn

On another note!  I've been accumulating yarn from Canada and US which I'm hoping to sell.  My favorite in-expensive yarn is Bernat. Most of the ones I use are 100% acrylic which makes them machine was & dryable. I've been using this yarn for years and years.

Many people have also heard of Red Heart. I have used this most of my knitting/crocheting life as well.  It is the same weight and similar colourways to Bernat however not always as soft. It's great for blankets and hats but I'm a little on the fence about jumpers.  However! Many people love it and it costs slightly less than Bernat.

NOW, before you cringe and say "ewwww....acrylic!!"  You've never enjoyed Bernat.  I took some to the knitting group I visit and they were all against it. After venturing to the yarn shops and getting a taste of cheap UK acrylic, I understood their hesitations.  However, being the enabler that I am, I'm happy to say that I have converted them into loving my Bernat yarn just as much as I do.

I'm going to be listing some on Etsy soon however for now I have it on my Ravelry page under TLDonnelly (just click my name and it'll take you right to it!)

Please feel free to leave comments about your favorite yarns and colours.  I'm always looking for inspiration as to what to bring that others might be interested in.

September - It's getting chilly

Doctors appointments, starting a job and desperately trying to finish off all of my WIP's has ben keeping me quite busy!

So what I have I done?

I made a neck warmer for my son for the cold weather which is fast approaching. No photos yet.  I'm also 3/4 the way through his pair of "messy" socks.  Yarn I dyed myself which I was going to over-dye but he liked it so using it for him

I made some short socks using the Waterfall patter.  They were supposed to be mid calf but I wanted ankle socks :)

I took part in Easyknits.co.uk X-Factor Mystery KAL and made some socks.


I finished of my Hitchhiker which should keep me cosy in the chilly weather.  I'm also 2/3 the way through a blanket for the TV since it gets a little chilly on the couch and we are very short of blankets! Everyone has the duvet on the bed + 1 other blanket then there are no spares!  Must remedy that problem and make a few. I haven't made a full size blanket before as I prefer small projects and favor baby blankets. BUT, I will give it a go and maybe try one of the patterns I have from Annie's Attic - Mile-A-Minute.  They are done in panels and are very quick to join together (I've done all of her baby mile-a-minute ones of course hehe)

More doctors appts on the calendar as well which I have to try and fit in around running my son to school and working every day.  Plus find time to still do all the normal household chores and cooking.  Keeps me busy so I can't say I'm bored!

Anyways, enough for now and off to work on the final part of Messy Socks!!  He'll be so happy when they are done.

Sunday 14 August 2011

August Update

Hello again. I really need to update a little more often so I can remember everything I've been doing!!

Knit Nation was great :)  Lots of pretty colours and so much yarn, temptation was everywhere !!  This is what I came out with:    4 skeins of undyed yarn (2.50 a skein, who can't buy it!!)  2 skeins of Deeply Wicked from EasyKnits, 1 skein of Midnight from Old Maiden Aunt Yarns and 1 skein of Milly from Juno.  AND I stayed within my budget that I took with me.  WOO HOO!!  However, it means I'm not allowed to buy yarn or needles for awhile...Ah well :)  I love these and couldn't leave them behind!

shade:  Daiquiri

shade:  Grape Vine

shade:  Midnight  (it's purple and sparkly and just like a night sky)

shade:  Aurora

Mommy & Baby are super happy with the Squares on a Roll blanket :)  It's been the highlight of conversation between everyone who has seen it on my pages and all her family and friends that get to see it with baby.

Also, I have completed the Bernat Jacquards skirt I was working on.  All I need to do it put some elastic for waist band and ta-da!!  I will add photos of it later once the elastic is in.

I have completed my first pair of socks!!!  I've got a ball slightly larger than a golf ball leftover and haven't decided what to do with it yet.  Maybe some mini socks or Ipod cover. 

Now I have also started a circle spiral blanket with the leftover yarn from the Squares on a Roll. I really like the way it looks but I don't know if I'll have enough yarn to make it a decent baby size.  I can't buy more yarn for it either so will need to improvise!  Have a peek:
Almost finished my Hitchiker as well :)  That isn't in a time frame and it's my project that requires no thinking so I work on it during movies or if I'm a little to tired to follow a pattern.  

I have also cast on a 2nd pair of socks and I LOVE the colours.  very excited about these and I'm making them a little more snug then the first pair. Going to treat myself to some new needles I think soon!!  I need 2.5mm for that little extra snugness :)

Friday 15 July 2011

Knit Nation Tomorrow

I'm giddy with excitement about going to Knit Nation in London tomorrow.  All that yarn under 1 roof!!  I'm attempting to set a budget (HAHAHA) so I don't go completely overboard.  A friend is going a long with me so we have to try and keep each other within a "reasonable" limit.

In other news,  I have completed the Squares on the Roll blanket. It's been a long time coming but it has actually been rewarding.  By no means was it an quick project but I really hope the baby and mum enjoy it.  I love how it looks and am having separation anxiety trying to give it away!  I will make another one...someday...however don't have the will power to venture into that right now.  I think I need to do a few smaller projects to get my rhythm going again!

So, in that light I have cast one many many projects instead of just doing one or two.  OOPS!
Hitchiker - great for TV knitting, its so simple to do and will be useful when the cool weather comes back!
Cable baby blanket - 2 out of 24 rows is cable but it looks awesome!
Simply Beautiful - a super speedy crochet baby afghan - Slowly making my way through all 54 patterns in this book...even if they aren't quite my style, its just a challenge to make them all!
Bernat Jacquards Skirt - I don't have a little girl but I love making kids/.baby clothes and pass them on to friends/family

Off to the post office now!  Bye bye pretty square blanket!

Monday 27 June 2011

Dyeing in the Garden

On Saturday June 25th our knitting group met at Francoise's house and tried our hand at dyeing yarn! It was so much fun and although it was only the 2nd time for me, I'm very proud of what I have created. Most of the other ladies had only done it 2 or 3 times and some never before. It was an all around experiment for everyone and we ended up with some amazing colours!  If only there was an unlimited supply of undyed yarn and more time in a day we could've gone on for ages!

Hanging out to dry with lots of other skeins of gorgeous colours!

Loving the bright strong primary colours (except green but you get the idea)

I think I shall call it Circus Craze

I made another skein but it was the same as my first one as I needed a 2nd to complete the project. Thankfully I had measured it out at the same time as the original so they are the same! Planning ahead for a change. Normally I'm just spontaneous when it comes to fun things like this.

Now, I have to try desperately to hide it away until I'm done a few projects before casting on.  I've already been silly and cast on a Hitchhiker and am slightly addicted to those now due to how quickly the knit up! Wish me luck on avoiding temptation and refocusing on what needs to be finished!

Monday 20 June 2011

Times Flies!!

It's amazing how time just runs away when you've got a busy schedule!

So, I didn't get the blanket done before baby was born HOWEVER baby cheated and arrived 3 weeks early!!  I have another 5 squares to do and the border as I have been joining along the way to give myself a break from the squares.  I'm going to bash away at it all day and night as I really want it done by Thursday.  That doesn't seem possible but if I put my hands to it I'm really hoping. (Just really need to avoid the computer as Ravelry tends to take up my time!!)

I have started a couple other projects but only because I didn't have my squares with me and I really needed something to do. More on those later ;)

Also, I'm getting very excited about attending the Dyeing in the Garden at a friends house this Saturday. I've got so many ideas for colour and not nearly enough money for yarn or time in the day to do it.

On another note, I've been thinking about starting up on Etsy and selling my blankets as well as North American yarn.  I'm a little nervous about it because of having to put out so much money first and whether or not I'd be able to make it back. I guess it's just a leap of faith!  Also trying to convince my OH to agree to it is another task in itself.  I've been trying to put feelers out to the fabulous people on Phoenix and the people I've friended on Ravelry and there is an interest. So maybe if I start small and work from there.  There is so much choice in yarns though that it's hard to narrow down which ones to import!

Anyways, enough computer time!  Back to the squares I go.  Enjoy the sunshine everyone!!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Another week has gone by

Ok, I have been procrastinating a bit and getting occupied with other projects and trying my hand at dyeing.

I've only managed to make 2 more squares and am half way through number 21. I really need to get a move on! So I'm taking to night to just keep going. No other plans to be made, after dinner I'm 100% sitting and knitting!!!

However, I'm very pleased with my first dyeing attempt and am looking forward to doing more! Unfortunately it's a bit addictive and since I'm supposed to be working hard on the blanket I can't have more distractions.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Busy busy busy...Loving it!!!

Okie dokie.  so other than running myself into oblivion trying to clean the house top to bottom just because I got the urge to do it, I have to focus on the blanket and make time for the gym.

So far I've completed 17 out of 49 squares with almost 2 weeks of May already gone. Ok, not so cool!!  I need to get more squares made super speed. Too bad there isn't a way to knit more than 1 at a time. Its just the first 19 rows that take forever! After that it just speeds along and before you know it your done another.

At the same time I'm getting itchy fingers. I really want to make a hippo & a monkey toy but have fought off the urge to cast on because it will take away drastic amounts of time for the Squares blanket. With the race against baby, I need to spend all my knitting time on the squares. Everything else has been put aside until I get this done. This is very very hard for me as I normally work on at least 4 projects at once.

The gym on the other hand, well.....I have it on the schedule for certain days but missed the one yesterday due to upset stomach & headache. I will not miss tomorrows as I know I will fall into the habit of coming up with excuses for every session and then whats the point?  This is one of the occasions where the thought doesn't count.

I'm off to cast on square #18. GO GO GO

Friday 6 May 2011

What have I been doing?

So I haven't posted in awhile. I was on a trip back home to Canada and on dial up, not so good for blogging. What have I been doing?

1 - completed my Haruni shawl - just need to take some photos to upload
2 - completed an Annis shawl just for fun
3 - completed another 7 baby hats and gave the bunch to the hospital back home
4 - completed 12  out of 49 squares of the Squares on a Roll blanket
5 - shopped! I bought so much yarn due to the crazy sales back home (1 entire suitcase I brought back) that I think my other half will freak out if I buy even 1 more ball. But, at least I'm all set up for my next few projects after the Squares blanket!!

The blanket is my #1 priority right now as I have until the end of May as my deadline to get it done before baby comes on June 12. I should have made a lot more squares while away on holiday but I got sucked into doing other projects and procrastinated. Basically, I need to do an average of 2 squares a day so I have time to attach them all at the end.  Scary! I have to find the time in the day to do this because the squares take longer than they look. (avg 2.5 hrs each!!)

On top of the blanket, I'm starting my fitness goal on Monday. I completed the induction yesterday and plan to take this full on. Thankfully there are lots of classes to sign up for and I need to take full advantage of the facilities. It is free so I don't feel like I'm wasting my money but it's something I've been putting off and I'm ready to get going. Time to loose my baby belly (6 yrs is toooo long to have it!) The staff there are really great and the managers will come help you set up your program. Very much a hands on group and extremely motivational.

I am delaying the start of my fitness until Monday as my "To Do" list is going to take over today and this weekend. Once that is all in order I will be in a better mind set to focus on the tasks at hand rather than everything else I could be doing instead of working out. If I'm distracted I only put in half effort which is the same as not doing it at all. Go all in or don't do it!

Ok! Time to close the computer and away I go to get the day rolling. Watch out house! you're in for an overhaul.

Friday 1 April 2011

Squares on the Roll

So excited!   A friend of mine is having a baby and has requested a blanket. I asked what she had in mind as I had already started picturing bright bold rainbow colours (she is NO pastel kinda lady).  She gave me a few ideas and I was quite happy to give it a shot.  Then!  She mentioned Dr. Seuss inspired and a whole new world of ideas flooded into my mind

I came across Squares on the Roll and just had to send her the picture to see how crazy she was willing to go. She fell in love with it as soon as she saw it and really really wants it. So, I looked up the yarn and just about fell off my chair. BUT, I let her know how much it was and she wants it that bad so now I wait for the mailman to bring the precious yarn so I can get started.

Thankfully, baby isn't due until June but with all the work that goes into each square and reading how it is put together at the end, this blanket is going to take quite a bit of time to do. I will need to put my other projects aside (when the yarn arrives of course!) and take this blanket on full time.

I'm very excited about trying it out though!!  Always up for a challenge.

Oh!  And the Haruni shawl is well underway. I've started onto Chart B and fingers crossed I can get it finished before starting the blanket.

Monday 28 March 2011

Haruni on the go!

I'm very please with my Haruni so far.  Of course as I add more rows it adds more stitches and therefore each row takes longer so visible progress has slowed a bit. Up to row 74 now and already planning my next one. What colour I want to make it in and trying to pick one from my stash so I don't convince myself to buy something new.

I've also started a Rippled wrap.  It's pretty :)  Looks like a half star and I'm using Bernat Softee Baby yarn (from my stash!) Thankfully it's crochet so it zooms along really quickly and I'm much faster at crochet then knitting.

I've got another baby blanket nagging to be started but I've been convincing myself not to cast on anymore projects!

My poor wrists have been really painful from going at it too much so I've been taking a break and going cycling. Not very far as I sort of got really REALLY lazy over winter and now I'm paying for it. I can feel how unfit I've become and I need to get that sorted.  Benefit of other half in the military is gym membership for a one-off very small payment. And, I can ride my bike down to it to add just that little bit extra. It's not a New Years resolution or anything, just not feeling up to standard so I've got to get on top of it.

I suppose sometime in between all this I should tidy up the house but well, honestly....I Don't Wanna!!!  It's too sunny to clean the house. I like taking my chair & WIP outside and enjoying the sun.  Laundry is all caught up as I love hanging it out on the line to dry.   Okay, do the dishes THEN I can do a few more rows of my shawl.

Hi ho Hi ho, it's off to the sink I go.

Friday 25 March 2011

Oops! I'm a project addict !!

Well, I said I wouldn't cast on but I did. OOPS!  I made a preemie matinee jacket (just have to sew on the sleeves),  2 more baby hats and a berry ball.  I started the Haruni shawl and am on row 46. Not nearly as scary as I expected. Just need to pay attention to make sure I don't get my counting wrong!! I'll probably be making more of these or a few of the different patterns that I've come to collect.

I desperately need to get myself a ball winder as well. I like the little cakes much better then rolling it into balls by hand and I'm hoping it'll save my wrists a little bit of strain. Just need to find one because my LYS doesn't sell them and I'm one of those people who wants it now.  I don't want to wait for ebay auction to end then wait for delivery. BUT I might just have to do that so I don't pay a tiny fortune for one.

Enjoying the amazing spring weather and the unseasonable warm couple of weeks.  That's right, t-shirts and laundry hanging out to dry. GREAT!  So I'm spring cleaning my stash as well. Re-organising everything and seperating what is already set aside for future projects and what is just PRETTY!! So hard not to cast on something with every ball.   Time to play a little more in my yarn cupboard. hehehe  Play time is fun :)

Saturday 19 March 2011

Saturday March 19 - Pick a Shawl

Well, I've been trying really hard to decide what pattern I was going to use to make the baby blanket for a friend of mine from a fabulous yarn I just received from a friend.  I don't normally do lacy baby blankets because I hate the idea of their fingers getting stuck in the blanket.

However, the colours are perfect for this woman. SO, I think I've decided to use this yarn to make a lacy shawl for her and find something else for a baby blanket. Now I'm just stuck between 2 patterns I've found which I like. 1 is a crochet and 1 is a knit with a little more detail.   I've never tried making a knitted shawl and am a little nervous about it, but I tend to take on the patterns I'm not used to just to prove I can do it.

Anyone have any suggestions?  So far I've been looking at Haruni or Evas Shawl.  I'd like to decide soon so I can get it done and in the post.  I know I know, I'm not supposed to be starting any more projects but it's for a gift!  hehehe (yarnaholics logic always wins)

Evas Shawl


Friday 18 March 2011

More Finished Projects of 2011

Finished my Market Bag.  The photo doesn't do it justice and its sooo roomy, I can fit approx. 1200g of yarn in it (maybe more)

Trying to show the interior. I'm using the bag to hold all of my finished hats & scratch mittens. (Until I got yarn shopping of course!)

Honeycomb stroller blanket. Looks complicated but surprisingly no :) so cute too!!

Just using up some stash yarn. Was supposed to be a throw but ran out of yarn so it's a baby blanket instead!!!

Spiral scrubbies. Forget dishes, these ones are for the shower hehehe

Gotta do dishes sometime I suppose

Square dishcloth again, using up leftovers

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Pictures - finally!

Ballerina Bunny made for a lady from Phoenix Knitters. Always good to help out others :)
Baby hats of 2011 so far. Many more to come!!
Some scratch mittens of 2011. Sent some away before taking photos. Will be making many more for all the babies
My first ever sweater that I actually made for someone specific. It fits and the colours all lined up perfectly. Very pleased!

Friday 11 March 2011

I will not Cast On!

Today I can across an old favorite pattern of mine that I have just the perfect yarn for. However, as I went hunting for needles I decided that NO, I will not cast on another project until I finish off at least one WIP.

I'm almost done a stroller blanket and only have 13 rows to go so I really really need to finish it off.  I am sooo easily side tracked. It should only take about 20 minutes to finish because its such an easy pattern. Then of course I can make matching hat, scratch mittens and bootees with the leftover yarn :)  Mwuahahaha

Trying to fit in some spring cleaning around the house as well but it's too easy to keep putting it off until tomorrow because I've got to do "just a couple more rows!"  Hehehe...a couple more rows on several projects then suddenly it's "Ok, just until the end of the show on tv."  I can come up with a million excuses as to procrastinating house work. I'm sure you can relate!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

After a week of illness and house bound days, I've emerged from my cocoon. I've made another hat, finished the Amigurumi Ballerina Bunny (photos coming shortly)  Now I want to make the Hippo but have to decide what colour to make it. It's going to be a very colourful hippo I think with the yarn I've got.  (Really want to go buy the denim blue to make it but I won't!)

I've made progress on my WIPs and really have an itch to go shopping. I'm desperately fighting that as I'm supposed to be stash busting, not growing!  There's an amazing sale at Lidl's but thankfully there isn't one near me!!!

I've been trying to do some good deeds as well. So far I've been able to share some cross-stitch graphs and now a matinee jacket pattern. I've got a small box to send away to the hospital with my baby hats and scratch mittens. I need to do a count before I get them sent off and take a photo of all the pretty colours. I love baby hats! So quick and simple and when you can't concentrate very well they are the perfect project. As long as my hands keep moving it feels like I'm being productive.

But, off to bed for tonight. I'm still not 100% better yet so shouldn't outdo myself in the first couple nights. Sleep tight!!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Amigurumi Day 2

So the head and arms are done and look fantastic, if I do say so myself.  Now, the body is done in stripes and I was not impressed with the spiral effect happening and the joining going round and round. Just looks less professional and I'm a little OCD so it was driving me crazy. After a little playing about and a little online research I've changed how the joining is done to be a little more eye appealing. I know Amigurumi is supposed to be done in spirals but it's just doesn't look right on the colour change.

I wonder if anyone else has this concern. Am I being a little over OCD? It's actually a Ballerina Bunny for a lady I've never met so I just want it to look perfect. Thankfully the striping is just on the body and the other bits are easy to do.
Update:   Body finished and the seam is hardly noticeable!! So very excited about that. Now I've just got 2 legs, the skirt and the facial features and VOILA, c'est fini!  I've got to remember to take pictures before I send it off to her though. Definitely need to have my first Amigurumi documented.  My son is already asking about what toy I'm going to make for his new baby cousin!!  Selfless little guy I've got :)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Having a go at Amigurumi

Well, I sort of skipped out on my WIPs and made a nice warm hat for my cousin. Needed a simple project since I'm so tired right now. Something quick and easy. Now that it's done, I love the feel of it and don't want to part with it. I might just have to make another one for me.  Pics should be up in the next day or two.

However!I promised a lady I would do a Amigurumi Ballerina Bunny. Just got the materials and I'm very excited about getting into it. I put it off yesterday as I browsed through the magazine for far too long. So I picked up the crochet hook this morning and learned the Magic Loop and had a practice run with some stash yarn before opening the good stuff. It is so much fun so far. 2 ears already made and starting the head.

On another note, I found this adorable pattern for a wrap/poncho for a 6 yr old that I really liked. However I obviously am bigger than a 6 yr old. After some of my amazing math skills and a sheet of calculations/re-writting the pattern, I was able to convert it into my size.  It took all my will power not to start it straight away.

Off to do more bunny !!  Who has this much fun when they are sick?

Monday 28 February 2011

Complete in 2011

So far this year (using only my stash yarn) I have completed:

Square washcloth
Swirl washcloth
Striped sweater for my 6yr old
Warm Thoughts Throw - baby length
Market Bag
2 Spiral Scrubbies
4 pairs Scratch Mittens
6 Baby Hats

I've got quite a few projects OTN which I'm trying to keep track off.  Lots of babies on the way with family & friends so I need to get moving on finishing those off!!  Don't want babies getting cold now do we?

And so we begin!!!

Like most people I'm new to the world of blogging. I'll be updating regularly as this will be my page to keep track of all my accomplishments during my Great Stash Bust of 2011. As soon as I get a handle on this I'll add some photos of FO and OTN's. 

I've caught a nasty cold so my concentration is not so fabulous so I'm going to work on all my simple patterns this week.  Plus I have some scratch mittens & baby hats that need sewing up so I could get caught up on them too.

Let's get busting!!