Monday 17 October 2011

It's Getting Chilly

So!  I have finished the scarf for my son's Monkey :) and he wants a smaller one for the baby monkey.  I've finished off my fingerless gloves ! Just in time as it's now 12-13 degrees outside and I have to walked a lot to work and the school run.

I've finished off my Chenille Throw which is just the right size for keeping warm on the couch.  Have another throw started. It is cable so I'm trying real hard to persist and actually finish it.

What else? Hmmmm....According to Knit I have knit 8865 yards this year!  And I'm sure there are projects I have forgotten to add to it. The little projects that I do and forget I have done.

A few more mitts to make and of course socks!   Must get everything finished to keep cosy for winter :)

What is everyone else up to? I know there's going to be a lot of baking soon hehe. I do a lot of baking when it gets this time of year.  My other half is getting deployed in a month so I'm going to miss out on my knitting group for 4 months :(  With no family close by a babysitter is hard to find. I think I have 1 girl I can call on but I don't want to bother her every week and I have no idea the cost. Ah well, might have to try and convince the ladies to come around to my place a couple times so we can have a visit.

Anyways, off to work some more cables!  Talk soon :)  Cast on and keep smiling.

Monday 10 October 2011

Finishing Projects


On the weekend we went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. It was alright but I must say I preferred Knit Nation.  Although this one was very large and there were loads of vendors most of it was big company and commercial products.  I'm a buyer who prefers the smaller companies and individuals.

Fibre Flurry is at the end of October and I really really want to go. Not sure 2 events in 1 month is in the budget but I'll check it out. 

In the mean time I have finished a Chenille blanket for the couch, I'm just about finished my fingerless gloves. Next up is to finish off my sons 2nd pair of socks.  He wanted some toe socks so he could were his flip-flops inside in the winter.

I did a trade of yarn with a lady and am very pleased!  lovely silk yarn and a drop spindle with fibre. Love spinning and I can see it easily turning into another addiction.  This keeps up and I'll be buying fibre and doing the rest myself!  I've been looking at sourcing undyed yarn, preferrably high twist, so I can continue dying to get practice in and possibly sell it. Of course it wouldn't be expensive because it just beginner skills but it would help get some money back to carry on practicing.

anyways, nothing to interesting as I don't have a lot of spare time in between work and family.  Trying to get my WIP's all caught up again before I cast on anything else. I always get too many projects on the go to keep a wide variety. Need to get a few more winter wear projects done to keep us all cosy. It's getting pretty chilly outside.

Alright, computer off and going to the needles :)