Sunday 14 August 2011

August Update

Hello again. I really need to update a little more often so I can remember everything I've been doing!!

Knit Nation was great :)  Lots of pretty colours and so much yarn, temptation was everywhere !!  This is what I came out with:    4 skeins of undyed yarn (2.50 a skein, who can't buy it!!)  2 skeins of Deeply Wicked from EasyKnits, 1 skein of Midnight from Old Maiden Aunt Yarns and 1 skein of Milly from Juno.  AND I stayed within my budget that I took with me.  WOO HOO!!  However, it means I'm not allowed to buy yarn or needles for awhile...Ah well :)  I love these and couldn't leave them behind!

shade:  Daiquiri

shade:  Grape Vine

shade:  Midnight  (it's purple and sparkly and just like a night sky)

shade:  Aurora

Mommy & Baby are super happy with the Squares on a Roll blanket :)  It's been the highlight of conversation between everyone who has seen it on my pages and all her family and friends that get to see it with baby.

Also, I have completed the Bernat Jacquards skirt I was working on.  All I need to do it put some elastic for waist band and ta-da!!  I will add photos of it later once the elastic is in.

I have completed my first pair of socks!!!  I've got a ball slightly larger than a golf ball leftover and haven't decided what to do with it yet.  Maybe some mini socks or Ipod cover. 

Now I have also started a circle spiral blanket with the leftover yarn from the Squares on a Roll. I really like the way it looks but I don't know if I'll have enough yarn to make it a decent baby size.  I can't buy more yarn for it either so will need to improvise!  Have a peek:
Almost finished my Hitchiker as well :)  That isn't in a time frame and it's my project that requires no thinking so I work on it during movies or if I'm a little to tired to follow a pattern.  

I have also cast on a 2nd pair of socks and I LOVE the colours.  very excited about these and I'm making them a little more snug then the first pair. Going to treat myself to some new needles I think soon!!  I need 2.5mm for that little extra snugness :)