Sunday 25 September 2011

North American Yarn

On another note!  I've been accumulating yarn from Canada and US which I'm hoping to sell.  My favorite in-expensive yarn is Bernat. Most of the ones I use are 100% acrylic which makes them machine was & dryable. I've been using this yarn for years and years.

Many people have also heard of Red Heart. I have used this most of my knitting/crocheting life as well.  It is the same weight and similar colourways to Bernat however not always as soft. It's great for blankets and hats but I'm a little on the fence about jumpers.  However! Many people love it and it costs slightly less than Bernat.

NOW, before you cringe and say "ewwww....acrylic!!"  You've never enjoyed Bernat.  I took some to the knitting group I visit and they were all against it. After venturing to the yarn shops and getting a taste of cheap UK acrylic, I understood their hesitations.  However, being the enabler that I am, I'm happy to say that I have converted them into loving my Bernat yarn just as much as I do.

I'm going to be listing some on Etsy soon however for now I have it on my Ravelry page under TLDonnelly (just click my name and it'll take you right to it!)

Please feel free to leave comments about your favorite yarns and colours.  I'm always looking for inspiration as to what to bring that others might be interested in.

September - It's getting chilly

Doctors appointments, starting a job and desperately trying to finish off all of my WIP's has ben keeping me quite busy!

So what I have I done?

I made a neck warmer for my son for the cold weather which is fast approaching. No photos yet.  I'm also 3/4 the way through his pair of "messy" socks.  Yarn I dyed myself which I was going to over-dye but he liked it so using it for him

I made some short socks using the Waterfall patter.  They were supposed to be mid calf but I wanted ankle socks :)

I took part in X-Factor Mystery KAL and made some socks.


I finished of my Hitchhiker which should keep me cosy in the chilly weather.  I'm also 2/3 the way through a blanket for the TV since it gets a little chilly on the couch and we are very short of blankets! Everyone has the duvet on the bed + 1 other blanket then there are no spares!  Must remedy that problem and make a few. I haven't made a full size blanket before as I prefer small projects and favor baby blankets. BUT, I will give it a go and maybe try one of the patterns I have from Annie's Attic - Mile-A-Minute.  They are done in panels and are very quick to join together (I've done all of her baby mile-a-minute ones of course hehe)

More doctors appts on the calendar as well which I have to try and fit in around running my son to school and working every day.  Plus find time to still do all the normal household chores and cooking.  Keeps me busy so I can't say I'm bored!

Anyways, enough for now and off to work on the final part of Messy Socks!!  He'll be so happy when they are done.